I had the privilege to operate on Mark Chase's P&EBRR On30 layout yesterday. He has a great website and I advise you to check it out:
If you don't know, I got hooked on On30 about 4 years ago at one of the Timonium shows. It is a great scale and Bachmann makes some great locos and equipment. I have done a few things in On30, like modules but settled on a smaller layout under my current HO layout.
Mark's P&EBRR is based in the 1930's in Central Virginia and it mainly hauls soapstone in various states. There are also some other online industries. I have never operated on someone else's layout so I was somewhat worried. Plus, I have never used Digitrax DCC either. Well after about 5 minutes of operating, I was perfectly comfortable. Having a switching HO layout tends to help with all the movements. I worked the mill job which mainly switched the western end of the layout. I also got to do the transfer job which ran the entire layout all the way to the exchange to the C&O at Winwood and back. Most of Mark's scenery is not done but it did not matter. It is a well thought out layout and has long train runs and lots of switching.
What I really liked about the layout: (what I would like to incorporate in to my layout)
-Digitrax controller was pretty easy to operate
-Switches with DCC decoders controlled from the Digitrax controller
-Tortoise switch machines
-The hand painted backdrops
-the entire Winwood shadow box scene in the workshop
Or to sum it up, Everything!
I cannot wait to get back there. It was a real treat to operate. I did manage to take some pictures. Thanks for being such a gracious host Mark!
The commuter train hauling workers west from the Meridan wye |
The workers pass the Dust mill/ quarry job at Cove on the passing siding/run-around track. |
My Mill job train clearing up for the Doodlebug at Shops Yard. |
My locomotive for the Mill job is 0-6-2 #1, a custom loco with sound. Definitely different. |
This train is the Transfer Job, holding on the main for the quarry job to clear up. |
The entrance to Winwood in the other room. The hole leads to the wye and Meridan. The spur is Winwood Oil and coal. |
The Transfer Job at Winwood with it's switching done and ready to head west. |
A coal hopper and a lumber flat are today's freight. |
Overview of Winwood left |
Overview of Winwood right |
The Transfer Job with outbound cars. The 2 boxcars and the gon are cars that were inbound. |