All the the photos I put on this blog are from my camera on my I-phone 4. Sometimes they are quick grap ones and sometimes thay are a little more involved. I do have a regular camera but who uses thoes these days? I probably will ugrade in a few months but this is how I get good pics easily.
This is mainly for I phone 4's:
First, get to the camera mode and make sure your flash is off and not on auto.
On the the left side of the screen, there is a HDR mode that is usually off. Turn it on. The HDR mode is a mini image stacking item on your phone. Which improves the overall picture. With this HDR mode, You need to have a steady phone for this to work well. We will need something to "hold" the camera. This is where the clamp showed below comes in handy.
This type of small clamp can be bought at Home Depot or any hardware store for a buck or two. It holds the phone upright and still for pics and video. |
As you can see, the end has electrical tape on it. This prevents shorting out the layout when it touches the tracks. Yes, it happened to me. The clamp is small and can be laid almost anywhere. This clamp is ideal for video and I use it all the time for my You Tube videos.
When the picture is taken in HDR mode, there will be 2 pics. The first one is regular and the second will have HDR on it. Use the HDR one and erase the other pic.
Non-HDR mode: Bright light overhead and some blurriness. |
HDR mode: overhead light not as bad and the vegetation is sharper. |
The above pics are not ideal but a good demonstration for what I needed. Hopes this helps you get some better pics on your layout or in everyday life!