Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Industry Tour on the VM &VC model railroad

Well I thought of a great idea Sunday night.  How about a tour of each industry on the layout?  Well tonight I start with one of my favorites, Klotz Distributors.  Is a simple industry that gets a couple of boxcars a week.  They ship specialized types of woods that are used in almost everything.  Examples would be cutting boards, and special types of lumber.  It has a pretty simple spur usually is switched right after Patriot industries.  The Klotz logo was designed by Kevin Klettke.  His website is awesome: Washington Northern model railroad
Crews have to take it very easy on switching Klotz.  Don't want to send a boxcar through the building.  I love how the spur turned out with the over growth.

Only a few of the loading doors are used.

The end of the spur is shown and the catchy logo.  The middle track leads to Patriot Industries and the closest leads to an undeveloped spur.
Overview of Klotz


  1. Beautiful work. I only hope that my own layout turns out this nice. It's funny that you and Kevin Klettke are close because both of your layouts have a very similar design philosophy and modeling standard. It's one that really inspires me more than nearly anything else I find on the web.

    Again, great work and I look forward to seeing more in the future.

  2. Thanks for the great comments Matt! This layout is in small room it has taken me almost 8 years to get to where I am. How do these guys get basement empires done in their lifetimes?

  3. No clue. I am in year two of my RR and I have yet to start any scenery.

  4. By the way, Do you have a post that includes a track plan for your layout? I tried to work it out from pictures but am having difficulties doing so.

    1. Posted a new post tonight with the track plan. the door in the office is in the bottom left corner. I also do not have a closet in the room.
