Saturday, November 14, 2020

I haven't dropped off the map!

Been a long time since I posted on this blog.  The layout is still going, but very slowly.  Most of my posts have been on Facebook, since it is a lot easier to post over there.  Hope everyone is being safe in this pandemic that seems it's never end.  My teaching job is even tougher than normal and it's more work than it's ever been.  So you can see that spare time is very rare these days.  Here is a diorama that  built last week for a train show last weekend.  It was the first show we've had since February.  The diorama was built to highlight my buddy, Greg McComas's line of HO products.  His MAC rail products has many products including the EOT's and flags for the ends of trains.  Make sure you check out his line of products and tell him that Shannon sent you!  Google for MAC Rail Products or copy and paste this link: